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The Slammer script controls an object (the slammer) that moves towards a target when the player character gets close to the slammer or enters its trigger area.


  • theSlammer, slammerTarget (Transform): The slammer and its target.
  • startPoint (Vector3): The initial position of the slammer.
  • slamSpeed, waitAfterSlam, resetSpeed (float): The speed at which the slammer moves towards its target, the time it waits after reaching its target, and the speed at which it returns to its initial position.
  • waitCounter (float): A counter used to determine how long the slammer waits after reaching its target.
  • slamming, resetting (bool): Flags to determine whether the slammer is moving towards its target or returning to its initial position.


  • Start(): This method is called before the first frame update. It sets the startPoint to the slammer's initial position.
  • Update(): This method is called once per frame. It controls the slammer's movements.
  • OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other): This method is called when the player character enters the slammer's trigger area. It initiates the slamming process if the slammer is not already slamming or resetting.