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The Pickup script is attached to objects in the game world that the player can collect. These objects can be gems or health pickups.


  • isGem (bool): A flag indicating whether the pickup is a gem.
  • isHeal (bool): A flag indicating whether the pickup is a health item.
  • isCollected (bool): A flag indicating whether the pickup has been collected.
  • pickupEffect (GameObject): A reference to the effect that should be instantiated when the pickup is collected.


  • Start(): This method is called before the first frame update, but it's not used in this script.
  • Update(): This method is called once per frame, but it's not used in this script.
  • OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other): This method is called when the 2D collider on the pickup enters a trigger. It checks if the object that entered the trigger is the player and if the pickup has not been collected yet. If the pickup is a gem, it increments the gem count in LevelManager, marks the pickup as collected, destroys the pickup object, instantiates the pickup effect, updates the gem count in the UI, and plays a sound effect. If the pickup is a health item and the player's health is not already at maximum, it heals the player, marks the pickup as collected, destroys the pickup object, instantiates the pickup effect, and plays a sound effect.