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The LSPlayer script controls the movement and behavior of the player on the level selection screen. The player moves between MapPoint objects and can trigger level loading.


  • currentPoint (MapPoint): The current MapPoint the player is standing on.
  • moveSpeed (float): The speed at which the player moves between MapPoints.
  • levelLoading (bool): A flag indicating whether a level is currently loading.
  • manager (LSManager): A reference to the LSManager instance.


  • Start(): This method is called before the first frame update, but it's not used in this script.
  • Update(): This method is called once per frame. It moves the player towards the current MapPoint. If the player is close to the MapPoint and a level isn't currently loading, it handles player input to move to adjacent MapPoints or trigger level loading.
  • SetNextPoint(MapPoint nextPoint): This method sets the player's current MapPoint to the specified next point, hides the level info UI, and plays a sound effect.