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The LSManager script manages the level selection screen in the game. It sets the player's starting position based on the last level played and handles level loading.


  • player (LSPlayer): A reference to the LSPlayer instance.
  • allPoints (MapPoint[]): An array of all MapPoint objects in the scene.


  • Start(): This method is called before the first frame update. It initializes the allPoints array by finding all MapPoint objects in the scene. It then sets the player's position based on the last level played, stored in PlayerPrefs under the key "CurrentLevel".
  • Update(): This method is called once per frame, but it's not used in this script.
  • LoadLevel(): This method initiates the level-loading coroutine.
  • LoadLevelCo(): This coroutine plays a sound effect, fades the screen to black, and loads the scene associated with the player's current MapPoint.