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The BossTankMine script is responsible for controlling the behavior of the mines dropped by the boss tank during a boss battle.


  • explosion: A GameObject representing the explosion effect when the mine is triggered.



This method is called before the first frame update.


This method is called once per frame.

OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)

This method is called when a Collider2D component enters the mine's trigger area. It checks if the collider belongs to the player. If so, it performs the following actions:

  1. Destroys the mine GameObject.
  2. Instantiates the explosion effect at the mine's position.
  3. Calls the DealDamage() method from the PlayerHealthController to deal damage to the player.
  4. Calls the PlaySFX() method from the AudioManager to play the explosion sound effect.


This method is called when the mine needs to be destroyed without player interaction (e.g., when the boss tank is hit). It performs the following actions:

  1. Destroys the mine GameObject.
  2. Calls the PlaySFX() method from the AudioManager to play the explosion sound effect.
  3. Instantiates the explosion effect at the mine's position.