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The BossTankController script is responsible for controlling the behavior of the boss tank during a boss battle. It manages the boss's states, movement, shooting, and health.


  • states: An enumeration representing the possible states of the boss tank (shooting, hurt, moving, ended).


  • currentState: A variable to store the current state of the boss tank, using the states enumeration.
  • boss: A Transform component representing the boss tank.
  • anim: An Animator component for controlling boss tank animations.


  • moveSpeed: A float value representing the movement speed of the boss tank.
  • leftPoint, rightPoint: Transform components representing the left and right boundaries for the boss tank's movement.
  • moveRight: A boolean value indicating whether the boss tank is moving right.


  • mine: A GameObject representing the mine prefab.
  • minePoint: A Transform component representing the position where mines are instantiated.
  • timeBetweenMines: A float value representing the time interval between dropping mines.
  • mineCounter: A float value for counting down to the next mine drop.


  • bullet: A GameObject representing the bullet prefab.
  • firePoint: A Transform component representing the position where bullets are instantiated.
  • timeBetweenShots: A float value representing the time interval between shooting bullets.
  • shotCounter: A float value for counting down to the next bullet shot.


  • hurtTime: A float value representing the duration of the hurt state.
  • hurtCounter: A float value for counting down the remaining hurt time.
  • hitBox: A GameObject representing the hitbox of the boss tank.


  • health: An integer representing the health of the boss tank.
  • explosion: A GameObject representing the explosion effect when the boss tank is defeated.
  • winPlatform: A GameObject representing the platform that appears when the boss tank is defeated.
  • isDefeated: A boolean value indicating whether the boss tank is defeated.
  • shotSpeedUp, mineSpeedUp: Float values representing the rate at which the boss tank's shot and mine dropping speeds increase after each hit.



This method initializes the boss tank's state to shooting.


This method updates the boss tank's behavior based on its current state. It handles shooting bullets, dropping mines, moving between points, taking hits, and transitioning between states.


This method is called when the boss tank takes a hit. It reduces the boss tank's health, updates its state to hurt, and increases the difficulty of the battle by speeding up bullet and mine dropping.


This method is called when the boss tank reaches the left or right boundary of its movement. It updates the boss tank's state to shooting and starts shooting immediately.